GMCT seeks, among other things, to affirm, support and service unity at the local level between churches.
We maintain contact with and share information between unity groups and networks across Greater Manchester, including nearly 50 churches together groups. We recognise and celebrate that unity takes place in varied forms in different local contexts - whether, for example, through formally constituted groups or informal gatherings for prayer. All and each of these contribute something valuable to the witness and work of the Church.
Affiliation with GMCT is informal - there are no subscription costs and no requirements to follow a prescribed set of activities - but it enables us to contact you with news from across Greater Manchester as well as share information that may be of interest in your local context.
Dialogue is a key part of working together as well as celebrating what God is doing among each of us as we seek to honour Christ.
In order to affiliate with GMCT, please send an email to gmct.facilitator@gmail.com with contact details and permission for us to send you emails.
You can be an individual church, local Churches Together group, Local Ecumenical Partnership, or simply want to know more about unity work across Greater Manchester.